
Sunday, 25 November 2012

25/11/12 - What Have I Acheived?

What have I achieved?

I am going to look at my short term targets.

My first short term target was to keep on top of homework - since I created my PDP I have handed in all pieces of homework on time and I have done the majority of my homework on the day it was set. This is an improvement as before I would leave all homework to the weekend.

My second target was to record all events and homework in my diary - there is still room for improvement here as I sometimes do not write in my homework.

My third target was to prioritise my work and social life - I think I have been successful in completing this target as I have been getting my work done before I go out with friends and socialise etc.

The next short term target that I have been working towards is to meet all of my Business and ICT deadlines. I recently handed in part of my Unit 2 Business coursework before the deadline and I also had my first ICT deadline in which I successfully handed in my work on time.

My fourth target was the one that I felt was the most important. It was to get a part time job - today I drafted my CV and this was the first step I made towards achieving this short term aim. When I have completed my CV, I can begin to look for a job.

My fifth target was to improve my confidence when talking to adults and audiences - I have gained more confidence as we have currently done about 4 presentations in Psychology. I also have an ICT presentation coming up which will be graded as part of my coursework; I need to keep practising my presentational skills to improve my confidence further before this presentation.

My sixth and final target was to revise for the Law and Psychology exams - I have done some revision for both Law and Psychology but I think I need to organise my time better so that I can do more revision towards these exams.

Overall I think I am on track to completing all of my short term targets.