
Friday, 22 February 2013

22/02/13 - Career Prospects

Recently I have been thinking about what job I would like to get in the future.
I enjoy Law so I have been looking into jobs in that area of work (although I don't want to go to university so I don't want to be a lawyer or solicitor).  I have found a job that involves being a legal assistant and it is called a Paralegal- I think that this is a suitable job for me as I enjoy Law and I am also taking ICT and Business which are also relevant.
There are many routes into Paralegal work and if possible I want to get an apprenticeship in a law firm so that I have experience and some qualifications relevant to the job.  To get an apprenticeship I will need very good A levels and I will have to make sure that I do well in Law and ICT especially.  In 2 weeks I will receive my results for my first Law exam so fingers crossed!  Although the exam was okay it didn't go as well as I hoped so I may have to retake it in the summer (I think I will retake it of I receive a C or lower as I know I can do better).
Because of the requirements for the apprenticeships I will need to work on one of my main weaknesses which is exams.  As I have said in previous posts, I can improve this by practicing exam questions regularly whilst revision and throughout the rest of the year.
Although this is a career that I am interested in persuing- there are many other careers that I would consider such as administrative jobs- especially if I do not get my expected grades.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

19/02/13 - ICT Deadline

I have just completed my Unit 18 ICT work before the deadline which was today.
Although we struggled on this work at the beginning, I managed to get my work organised so that I could complete it all in time.  This is also working towards one of my short term goals which was to complete all of my work before the deadlines for my coursework. 
Overall, I am happy with my coursework although I will have amendments to complete before this unit is complete.  I think that courework is one of my strengths because I can redo parts of it or add to things to it as we go along whereas with exams you only get one shot.

In the future I would like to make sure that I understand what my task is overall, becuase although I knew what each individual piece of work was for- I was not looking at the bigger picture.  This is one of my weaknesses and to help me in the fuuture I need to look at the bigger picture of what I am doing and the outcome that I eventaully need to achieve.

Friday, 8 February 2013

08/02/13 - Business Deadline

One of my short term goals was to meet all of my Business and ICT deadlines.  Today was my final deadline for Unit 3 of Applied Business and this means that, except for corrections, I have finished all of my coursework for AS Business.
Overall, I think I have done well on the coursework unit considering this has been the first time I have had to do a lot of coursework in a short amount of time and, as I said in a previous post, completing my homework on the day it was set has helped me to be organised.  The second part of AS Applied Business is examined and as one of my weaknesses is exams and exam techniques - I think that doing well in this particular section of Business should pull my mark up if I don't do as well.

As I have finished my Business coursework, I am going to set myself a new short term goal which is to improve my exam technique and to revise effectively for my Business exam in May.  Knowing my learning style should help me to complete this aim, I will also try to do as many practice questions as possible before the exam so that I am familiar with the types of questions and the layout of the paper. 

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

06/02/13 - Learning Styles

Today we looked at the different learning styles and created a document showing each learning style in detail.  For example, here is some information about social style learners:

People with a strong social style tend to communicate well with people and are typically understanding and listen to other people’s views.  They also prefer learning in groups and enjoy talking to others.

Some phrases that are commonly used by social learners are:
"Let's work together on this"
"We can work it out"
"Tell me what you are thinking"
"Help me understand this"
"Let's pull some people together to discuss"
"Let's explore our options"

Learning techniques-
Social learners aim to work with other as much as possible and using techniques such as role-playing is a good way of learning whilst in a group.   Another useful technique is creating mind maps in groups as different people may have different views that they can input. 
Working in groups is also beneficial because errors made by others can then be avoided in the future.

After looking at each learning style- I took and online quiz to find out which learning style I am and therefore which learning techniques would benefit me when learning.
The scores I received for each type of learning are shown in the graph on the right and below:


My highest score was social and I think that this is accurate because I always prefer being around people and communicating with people.  I also prefer to discuss ideas with others and I am more confident when working with a  team.  As I am a social learner I will benefit from techniques such as group role playing and making group mind maps to help me learn.

I think that finding out my learning style will help me in the future.  One of my weaknesses was knowing which information is relevant to which question in exams and I think that I could use techniques such as group mind maps so that I can discuss the work with others when revising- this will help me improve and will hopefully turn my weakness into a strength.

Friday, 1 February 2013

01/02/13 - Applying for a Job

Today I applied for a job distributing leaflets.  I decided that I should do this because I would like to start earning some money.  The reason I applied for this particular job was because it won't take up too much time as I am still doing my AS Levels (compared to waitressing or working in a shop which I previously considered). When I am doing my second year of A Levels I am going to try to get a job with longer hours such as waitressing (as I said in a previous entry).
I think that this job could also help me to organise my time and help me to learn to manage my own money and I also think that it is important that I earn my own money.
I think that I am suitable for the job as I am over 16 and I am reliable which is one of the key skills that the job requires.

Below is screenshot of the job advertisement online.

01/02/13 - Reviewing my Progress

When I started a new term I created some small goals for myself this half term.  I am coming to the end of the term now and I am going to review my progress. 

One of my goals was to complete all homework on the day it was set, this has been a challenge but overall it has really helped me as I have had more spare time at the weekend and I have not been behind on any coursework. 

Last week I also handed in my completed Unit 2 Business coursework. I handed it in on the day of the deadline, and making sure that I had completed all other homework on the day it was set was extremely useful as it meant that I had enough time to complete this coursework to the best of my ability. This also links to one of my short term goals on my PDP which was to keep on top of homework and to meet all of my Business deadlines.

Another goal that I set myself was to complete my CV completely.  This is still outstanding and I will try to do this at the weekend or over half term.

On the left is a picture of the logo that I created for Applied Business.